
Mental health support in the community

Hive provides group support to people to improve their mental well-being and connections with the community.

We aim to provide an easily accessible and safe space for people to reconnect, learn new skills, develop healthy routines, and share lived experiences.

We support people, and their carers, to improve their mental health by:

Connecting people with appropriate supports through referral and advocacy.

Developing improved self-esteem and self-confidence to build resilience and empowering people to maintain their well-being.

Strengthening people’s individual networks to increase their knowledge, to adapt and learn new skills and share lived experiences.

Supporting people to identify their own strengths.

Developing and practising skills that support well-being and developing healthy routines.

Providing social opportunities and skills building to connect people with the community.

Offering opportunities to volunteer and build capacity to volunteer in the community.

Mental health support in the community. Hive participant holds a pot plant and watering can.

Hive group program

Hive offers mental health support in the community with a focus on practical and tailored strategies for daily living. This includes coaching and group activities to help participants independently manage their daily living and reach their goals. This is supported by funding from South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network through the Australian Government’s PHN Program.

Who can access the Hive program?

People who are participating in the CPS program at ermha365. Activities and groups are scheduled during the week.

Who do I contact about Hive?

Call 1300 376 421 and ask to speak to the CPS team.

You can also visit the Commonwealth Psychosocial Support (CPS) webpage for more information and referrals.

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